Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh man.  Its battle cheddar on Iron Chef
Now would be a great time for a teleporter
I'll tell Sage to get on it :p

To anyone who cares- Little Big Planet might be one of the coolest games ever!  Aaaand tomorrow = new Guitar Hero!  Guess I wont be getting out too much this weekend

Here are the spoils of the pumpkin adventure:

Not bad if I do say so.

But this is prettymuch the shit

Fun Fact:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was originally titled Headcheese but was changed at the last minute. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lion Tamers and Naked Mole Rats

Fall is really beautiful this year..
This years pumpkining at 
Berrenger  Farms was probably one of the 
only times it wasnt raining and miserable

im sad to say th
at we were told that this is the last year the farm will have the pumpkin patch :/ 
what will we do next year? 

I did something,  something kind of secret:x  

I think I might do it again:]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the jig

Ahhh... What a day...

Today I learned I could touch my toes without bending my knees.. 
Whay a great day!
Tomorrow is picture day... hold tight kiddies :]

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Im sorry i blogged all over your back seat last night

Here I am.  a blog.

I have a feeling that posting a bunch of pictures and cute kittehs might make someone want to read this.  but only time will tell

here goes
