Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh man.  Its battle cheddar on Iron Chef
Now would be a great time for a teleporter
I'll tell Sage to get on it :p

To anyone who cares- Little Big Planet might be one of the coolest games ever!  Aaaand tomorrow = new Guitar Hero!  Guess I wont be getting out too much this weekend

Here are the spoils of the pumpkin adventure:

Not bad if I do say so.

But this is prettymuch the shit

Fun Fact:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was originally titled Headcheese but was changed at the last minute. 

1 comment:

Mechnoch said...

Are you traveling in time? Side effect of the teleporter I must have finished making at some point in the future and traveled back to sxsw 2009 to give to you?